To gain maximum advantage from your marketing spend your site must be clearly visible to the public, which essentially means that it should be ranking in the top pages of the Search Engine Ranking Pages and preferably Page one. It is not just good enough to reach that coveted position but is necessary to sustain it as a proof of your sites integrity and authority. We are reminded continuously by SEO Belfast experts of the ever present need for SEO friendly content that Google bots can crawl and reward for its authenticity by sending it to the Search Engines for superior rankings. Google’s goal, since the roll out of Penguin and successive algorithm updates is to provide all internet users with a fast and effective search service. Websites should be compliant with the clear algorithmic guidelines in terms of creating better content. Google is making every effort to get websites to provide the best experience possible for all users, offering fast search queries so that potential users/customers can find what they are looking for in as few clicks as possible and be converted quickly with no other distractions. Content is a crucial element in providing that ultimate online experience which feeds directly into the E Commerce site owner’s goal of user conversion and increased ROI. Creating great SEO friendly content will enhance your site’s capability of climbing the rankings in SERPS and here are some technical pointers to crafting that all important rich optimised content.
It is proven that organic is the best pathway to top Google rankings – so when writing content take cognisance of the following suggestions:
- Ensure that you include clearly visible Keywords organically into the subject matter
- Place your keywords in titles and subtitles for maximum optimisation
- Select the most prominent keywords that promote the most search generation and create a hierarchical taxonomy
- From the taxonomy deploy the most important keywords in both the title and subtitles
- To emphasise your page in image searches, incorporate images with alt text
- For more interesting content use images to create greater dynamism
- Make more frequent use of content that is image driven as it gets much more play.It is a very plausible digital marketing ploy, especially as it sits well with viral content
- Consciously write content that is engaging, informative and authoritative; that will permit optimal optimisation and will allow the SEARCH bots to scan and enable high rankings in the SERPS. Write ethical content with skilled digital manipulation to gain maximum visibility online and increased conversions.
- To propel organic growth and grow conversions transparently and honestly adhere strictly to algorithmic demands
- Promoting your brand through savvy and informative content is only part of the digital marketing equation. You need to get your readers to empathise with you as a real person so do not be afraid to engage by using amusing experiences or stories as long a you stay within the bounds of professional appropriateness.
- Follow some practical rules when writing, especially those that have worked for other successful writers. Use the appropriate language register or style most pertinent to the subject matter and suited to your readership
- Avoid use of jargon if at all possible and stick to the language appropriate approach
- Keep your paragraphs relatively short and snappy
- Dissect complex content into easily understandable ideas
- Attach links to citations that will explain and clarify the content
- Look critically at your work and amend as often as necessary to achieve the perfect draft
- Cut to the chase and present the chief concepts that will engage your readership
Our team of digital marketing experts and web design Belfast and web design Newry teams can help with any digital marketing, adwords, video production, social media, SEO, Magento or web design questions you may have.
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